We have become partners of the ART PRAGUE contemporary art show! In the corridors of Radost you can meet statues of Jakub Švéda, Michal Cimala or Jaroslav Róna.

10 corridors across 10 floors of the Radost building are decorated with art installations.
Their selection was arranged by none other than the curator Petr Hájek from The Chemistry Gallery, who is also in charge of the exhibition space at Radost café located in the entrance hall. He therefore knows the premises of Radost well and chose the statues carefully. He is satisfied with the result. "I am happy about that. I hope that with this first ART PRAGUE SCULPTURE exhibitionin the Radost building, we are starting a long-term tradition," explains Hájek.
The ART PRAGUE show itself has a long tradition. This year, it will be the 19th year of the event. Although it had to be moved several times due to theadversity of the Covid situation, it seems that it will take place this year. Therefore, we cordially invite you to Náměstí Republiky, where you can enjoy art and see the ART PRAGUE exhibition between December 8th and December 13th.
The sculptures of ART PRAGUE SCULPTURE will be in our corridors until May next year, so they will wait for you if you can't come earlier. They are freely accessible, just walk through the main entrance around the reception, where the staff will be happy to direct you. All pieces come with a label, we are ofcourse also preparing guided tours for you - as soon as it is possible due to regulations.